Sunday, 29 August 2010

Star wars is based on a true story.

I realised something amazing today. I'm going to attempt to put it into words and I hope that I can do it a good enough manor so that you understand it.

Star Wars is based on a true story - and I think in some very strange way, I can prove it.

Right, outer space is infinite in size yes? That means that if we travel in any direction at any velocity as long as we don't get stuck on anything we could just keep on going forever.

Now with this in mind and combining it with the fact that we have no beginning or end to time then mathematically, everything will happen at least an infinite amount of times, everywhere, (bear with me).

If say the probability that yourself and I both pick randomly two numbers anywhere between 1 and 100 and end up with the same number is 1 in a 1000 or 1/1000. That means that in theory if we both did guess our pairs of numbers one thousand times, one of those times we should have got the same number.

Now, if we had an infinite amount of picks that means that we can get the same number an infinite amount of times.

This can be looked into further, if we could both pick numbers from anywhere between 1 and 1 million, our chances of getting the same number is then 1 in a 1,000,000,000,000 (one in a billion). But apply to the same logic to the above and given infinite amount of guesses, eventually we will pick the same number.

I hope this makes sense so far as the next bit is where I'm unsure if I'm bending my brain a little too far for things to make sense.

So what I think I may have proved here is that given an infinite amount of time, anything that has a real probability will eventually happen, no matter how bad the odds are against it.

If you now turn your attention to the fact that space is allegedly infinite (I'm aware that our universe is expanding so therefore it must have shape, edge etc. but it's obviously expanding into something so for now we'll just pretend it's infinite).

So if we have an infinite amount of space, that means we have infinite amount of places for events to occur.

The way I'm seeing it at this point is that anything you can thing of, will have a probability of happening. Star wars for example, there's a real fucking small chance that there really are aliens zipping around the galaxies beating the shit out of each for some reason or another. Lets say the probability of it all being real is 1 in 1456 trillion. Now with infinite time for it to happen and infinite places for it to occur, it must happen at some point, if it hasn't already.

I've just realised that combined with the ridiculous of odds of all that Star Wars malarkey being real, we also have to combine it with the probability that humans would also make a fictional film in the exact same way just by chance.

Huh, that must mean then that by solely creating the film the matrix, it makes it even less likely to be true.

I can't type this any more, I apologise if none of this makes sense or it is completely flawed but you have my word that I had one fuck of an epiphany when I realised this and really felt the urge to tell the world, I hope it does stand.

Peace x

PS. I've just realised that this is the exact same thing as the whole giving monkeys typewriters and eventually they'll write Shakespeare. Ah well.